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Toyota Defects

Have You Been Affected by a Toyota Defect?

You trust your vehicle to get you to work and transport your family safely. Obviously, "sudden unintended acceleration" or "stuck gas pedal" are not phrases you want to hear about your vehicle. If you have been negatively affected as a result of an incident with a Toyota or another vehicle, it is important to learn more about your legal options.

At the law firm of Kolker & Germeroth, L.L.C., we handle products liability and car accident litigation cases for victims in the St. Louis area, throughout Missouri and in southern Illinois. Our attorneys are both skilled trial lawyers with more than 15 years of experience and a successful track record of achieving maximum compensation for our clients.

If you have been hurt in an accident involving a Toyota defect or any defective vehicle, we encourage you to call 314-226-1426 or toll free 866-770-8691 for a free consultation.

While certain Toyota defects, such as instances of runaway vehicles, have received more prominent coverage than others, there are a variety of defects that can lead to serious accidents, including:

  • Sudden Unintended Acceleration
  • Stuck Gas Pedal
  • Floor Mat Entrapment
  • Brake Failure
  • Defective Seat Belts

Not Just a Toyota Problem

According to records from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about 24,000 consumer complaints regarding sudden unintended acceleration have been recorded in the past decade. These complaints involve cars and trucks from a broad range of foreign and domestic manufacturers.

Regardless of what you drive, if you have been injured in an accident caused by a defective vehicle, it is in your best interest to discuss your options with a seasoned personal injury attorney. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Get Answers | If you’ve suffered a personal injury, call (866) 770-8691 or Email Us.

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