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St. Louis Moped and Scooter Injury Lawyers

Personal Injury Accidents Involving Motorized Scooters

Some people who aren't comfortable on a roaring motorcycle opt instead for mopeds or scooters. They are affordable and fuel-efficient. They are easy to ride and convenient to park. They are less noisy and do not carry the same "biker" stigma.

However, scooter and moped operators face the same dangers as motorcyclists — perhaps more so. Because these commuter bikes are smaller and quieter, automobile drivers often don't see or hear them. Motor scooters are slower than cars, lack the acceleration of a motorcycle and the rider sits lower — all of which contribute to the risk of collisions and more serious injuries.

If you or a family member suffered serious injury in a scooter or moped accident, contact the successful personal injury attorneys of Kolker & Germeroth, L.L.C. We provide a free consultation and take cases across St. Louis and throughout Missouri.

Missouri Motor Scooter Accident Lawyers

With more than 30 years of combined experience, our attorneys have secured compensation for all types of motorcycle accidents, including recoveries for wrongful death. We are equipped to represent people seriously injured on motorized scooters:

  • Vespa-type scooters and mopeds
  • Maxi-scooters (touring scooters)
  • Razor-type electric scooters
  • Rascal-type mobility scooters

We are familiar with the severe cycle and scooter injuries suffered by riders and passengers, from leg injuries and broken bones to brain injury and spinal injuries. Although a motorcycle helmet does not necessarily prevent head trauma or a fatality, the defense can argue failure to wear a helmet as a limiting factor in determining damages.

Our experienced trial lawyers focus on the negligence of the automobile driver: traffic violations, distracted driving, impaired driving and other negligence. Our background in products liability also enables us to explore lawsuits against scooter manufacturers for safety defects.

Contact St. Louis Moped Injury Attorneys

Scooters have the same right to the road as cars and trucks, and those drivers have a duty to the safety of anyone who shares the roadway. Call 866-770-8691 or contact us online to work directly with proven attorneys who are committed to maximum compensation. We offer free consultations and accept cases on a contingency fee basis — you pay no attorney fees unless we recover damages through settlement or trial.

Get Answers | If you’ve suffered a personal injury, call (866) 770-8691 or Email Us.

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