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Monetary Damages in Wrongful Death Cases

Full Compensation for Your Financial and Personal Loss

Family members are entitled to seek specific compensation under Missouri's wrongful death statute. However, compensation is never automatic, even when the negligence seems clear-cut. Liability and damages must both be proven. That is where the experience of your attorney can make a dramatic difference.

At Kolker & Germeroth, L.L.C., you are represented by trial lawyers who each bring more than 15 years of experience in accident litigation. We have obtained verdicts and settlements in a wide range of wrongful death cases in the St. Louis area, throughout Missouri and eastern Illinois, including fatal auto accidents.

Contact us to arrange a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable and compassionate attorneys.

Wrongful Death: Taking Care of the Survivors

A wrongful death claim is not about putting a price on your loved one's life. Rather, the lawsuit provides some measure of justice or accountability, and it recognizes the financial hardships and personal loss of those left to cope with the hole in their lives.

Damages that may be recovered in a wrongful death suit include:

  • Medical bills incurred in the accident
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Projected earnings of the deceased
  • Loss of consortium, companionship, love and support
  • Loss of counsel, parenting and household services
  • The deceased's conscious pain and suffering from the time of the accident until death

We work with economists and other experts to project lost income. We also work closely with families to understand the impact of the death and all the ways that the person contributed to family life. This focus is especially important when the victim is a young or elderly person and there is no award for lost wages.

St. Louis Wrongful Death Lawyers

Missouri statute permits spouses, parents and children to recover wrongful death damages under certain circumstances. Any settlement must be approved by the court to ensure that all heirs entitled to recover are represented. Our lawyers understand the specific legal requirements and how to maximize monetary damages in wrongful death cases.

Call us at 314-226-1426 or 866-770-8691 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

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