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Spinal Cord & Brain Injuries

Missouri Serious Injury Attorneys

The consequences of a serious accident are not limited to broken bones, lacerations or bruises. Often times, the victim suffers debilitating and altogether tragic spinal cord injuries or brain trauma. While broken bones and bruises heal, the damage from these types of injuries is irreparable.

At Kolker & Germeroth, L.L.C., we represent those clients who have suffered spinal cord and brain injuries in serious accidents. To discuss your case with a compassionate and motivated personal injury lawyer, call our Clayton law office at 1-866-770-8691 or contact us online.

Types of Injuries

Serious spinal cord and brain injuries are typically suffered in car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, boat accidents, construction accidents and other types of motor vehicle accidents. If you have endured any of the following injuries in an accident caused by someone else's negligence, we can help:

  • Spinal cord injuries - Including spinal cord contusions and compressions, quadriplegia, paraplegia and others
  • Brain injuries - Including whiplash, concussions, cerebral contusions, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and others

Helping You Recover After an Accident

Victims of brain and spinal cord injuries face many hurdles on the road to recovery. Most are unprepared to handle the financial and legal consequences of these injuries. In addition, many of these injuries are permanent, resulting in a lifetime of expenses and rehabilitative costs.

Our attorneys have helped countless victims of catastrophic injuries recover in the aftermath of a serious accident. Although you may feel unprepared to deal with the various legal actions, this is all that we do. We understand how an accident affects a victim - unexpected medical and rehabilitative costs, lost wages, long-term earning loss. We also appreciate the depth of your loss. As a result, we know how important it is to seek the maximum compensation possible on behalf of every client we represent.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has suffered brain or spinal cord injuries because of someone else's negligence, please contact us for a free consultation. You can also fill out our personal injury intake form, or call our St. Louis-area law office at 1-866-770-8691.

Get Answers | If you’ve suffered a personal injury, call (866) 770-8691 or Email Us.

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