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Getting Your Medical Bills Paid After an Accident or Injury

St. Louis Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance Payment Lawyers

You never thought this would happen to you, but you now find yourself seriously injured after a motor vehicle accident. You surely have many questions, including:

  • How much will my treatment cost?
  • Who is responsible for the accident?
  • Where will I get the money to pay the bills?

At the law firm of Kolker & Germeroth, L.L.C., we have extensive experience representing accident victims in the St. Louis area, throughout Missouri and in southern Illinois. We focus on providing personalized service to our clients, and we will work diligently to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve.

During this difficult time in your life, the car insurance company is not on your side — we are. To discuss your potential personal injury claim with one of our attorneys, call 314-226-1426 or toll free 866-770-8691 for a free consultation.

Making Sure Your Medical Bills Get Paid

When it comes to medical bills and insurance payments after an accident, there are number of options, including paying the bills up front now through your own insurance or waiting to receive compensation as part of a settlement. Other factors such as your auto insurance policy's personal injury protection (PIP) could affect the choices you have.

Regardless of what actions your case dictates, we will do everything we can to make sure that your bills are paid and you have the resources you need to recover. But to make sure we can do this, we need to be on your case as soon as possible to gather witness testimony and preserve evidence for your case.

Do Not Sign or Say Anything

Before speaking to an attorney, do not sign anything or make any statements for the insurance company. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Get Answers | If you’ve suffered a personal injury, call (866) 770-8691 or Email Us.

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