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Truck Accident Evidence Preservation

We Know How to Build a Case for Liability

Soon after a serious trucking accident, trucking companies and their insurers will swiftly mobilize a team to deal with the aftermath. Their goal is to clean up the site, address the damage to the truck and assess the legal exposure.

Because of the trucking company's haste, it is imperative to hire an attorney as soon as possible if you or a family member was injured. The legal team at Kolker & Germeroth, L.L.C., knows how to obtain and preserve key evidence before it is lost or destroyed.

We handle truck accidents in the St. Louis area and throughout Missouri. Contact us today for a free consultation.

St. Louis Truck Accident Law Firm With the Experience and Resources

A truck crash scene tends to be complex and chaotic. It requires expert analysis to determine how the crash occurred and what precipitated it. Was the truck driver fatigued or distracted? Was there a mechanical issue with the truck? Was the cargo overweight or improperly secured?

Our experienced trial lawyers are familiar with the dynamics of truck accidents, and we regularly consult with engineering and accident reconstruction experts to identify the cause of the crash. We act swiftly to analyze the crash site and we put the trucking company on notice to preserve evidence. There is much more to the investigation than skid marks:

  • The "black box" event recorder provides crucial information about the truck's speed and braking.
  • Toxicology tests will reveal if the truck driver was impaired by alcohol or drugs.
  • Logbooks show the number of hours of driving, hours of rest and other insights.
  • Maintenance and repair records may indicate neglected service.
  • The truck must be inspected before it is repaired or demolished.
  • Witness statements should be recorded while still fresh.
  • The trucker's driving history, criminal record and employment records should be examined.

Preserving Evidence in Truck Accidents to Protect Your Interests

We examine and cross-check all facts, statements and reports related to a trucking accident. Our personal injury and wrongful death attorneys know what steps to take and what questions to ask to identify the responsible parties and build the strongest possible case for your compensation. We have the verdicts and settlements to show for it.

Call us now at 866-770-8691 or 314-226-1426, or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation. Evening and weekend appointments are available.

Get Answers | If you’ve suffered a personal injury, call (866) 770-8691 or Email Us.

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